Category: News and comments

  • Russian fighter-jet Attack Ahrar Al-Sahm base (Al-Qaida close friends)

    Russian fighter-jet Attack Ahrar Al-Sahm base (Al-Qaida close friends)

    Till now American is Arming the Enemy of America, and the excuse is spreading democracy, after 5 years of Obama plan to establish an Islamic State finally some one like The Russian president, Obama keep saying one word “Syria war: ‘Assad must go‘ to ensure IS defeat” and he know Assad will be there for long time due the huge support he had from no less than 8 million Syrian, so why they can not defeat isis with out waiting for the Assad to go?

    Why all the friends of Obama end to be Al-Qaida fighters ? 3 years NATO friends Attack ISIS what they accomplish? are they Attacking ISIS REALLY? can we see the videos ?

    What the media say is what they like you to hear not the truth.



    Now that Russia has officially begun conducting airstrikes on anti-regime forces operating in Syria, commentators, pundits, and analysts around the world will be keen to compare and contrast the results of Moscow’s efforts with the year-old US-led air campaign against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq.

    Clearly, Russia has a very real incentive to ensure that its airstrikes are effective.

    Preserving the global balance of power means preserving the Assad regime and, by extension, ensuring that Iran maintains its regional influence.

    On the other hand, the US and its regional allies actually have an incentive to ensure that their airstrikes are minimally effective. That is, for the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, the idea is not to kill Frankenstein, but rather to ensure that he doesn’t escape the lab.

    As we documented earlier today, Russia wasted no time launching strikes against anti-regime targets once the country’s lawmakers gave the official go-ahead and the West wasted no time accusing Russia of breaking protocol by targeting “modetrate” Syrian rebels (like al-Qeada) that aren’t aligned with ISIS.

    It’s against that backdrop that we present the following footage released by the Russain Ministry of Defense which depicts the opening salvo in The Kremlin’s battle against terrorism in the Middle East (note the vehicle traveling towards the compound at a particularly inopportune time towards the end).

  • USA Turkey VS ISIS or Kurdish today news

    USA Turkey VS ISIS or Kurdish today news

    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused the West on Thursday of bombing Arabs and Turkmens in Syria while supporting Kurdish “terrorist” groups he said were filling the void left behind.

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgic said more than 13,000 people had entered Turkey in the past week from Syria where moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish forces have fought Islamic State militants holding the Syrian town of Tel Abyad.

    Turkey is uncomfortable with gains by Kurdish YPG militia in Syria, saying they have links with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has fought a decades-long insurgency against the Turkish state. The PKK is considered a terrorist group by Ankara, the United States and European Union.

    The Kurdish issue has assumed an increased sensitivity since a Kurdish party won parliamentary seats in elections that stripped the ruling AK Party of its overall majority. The continuation of peace talks with the PKK could become an issue in coalition talks now under way.


    The PKK has carved out a role fighting Islamic State, with its members helping to break a siege of the Syrian town of Kobani last autumn as a U.S.-led coalition bombed the Islamist militants’ positions.

    “The West, which has shot Arabs and Turkmens, is unfortunately placing the PYD (the political wing of the YPG) and PKK in lieu of them,” Erdogan said in a speech at the Ankara chamber of commerce.

    Though a NATO member and U.S. ally, Turkey has refused to take a frontline role in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, nervous of Kurdish territorial gains and arguing only Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s fall can bring lasting peace.

    Erdogan’s comments may anger Turkey’s Kurds, many of whom suspect Ankara has been backing militant Islamist factions in Syria against their brethren and were enraged by its refusal to intervene and stop an Islamic State siege of Kobani.

    “It’s not true to say the YPG are terrorists because they haven’t committed any terrorist actions against people in Syria. They are protecting Muslims, Christians, Jews,” said Idris Nassan, an official in the Kobani canton.

    Thousands of people have fled from Syria into Turkey in recent days to escape advances by YPG forces as well as aerial bombardment by the United States and Arab allies trying to help the Kurds push back Islamic State.

    A Turkish official told Reuters on Wednesday that all the refugees appeared to be Syrian or Iraqi Arabs.

    (Additional reporting by Dasha Afanasieva in Istanbul; Editing by Nick Tattersall; editing by Ralph Boulton)

  • ISIS show the Muslim the truth & many accept Christ

    ISIS show the Muslim the truth & many accept Christ

    When Muslims see what is the real Islam they leave Islam when the way get out come.

  • Submission: Part 1 a hero to remember “Theo van Gogh”

    Submission: Part 1 a hero to remember “Theo van Gogh”

    Short film (2004) on the mistreatment of women in the Islam. The director, Theo van Gogh, was murdered in Novermber 2004 by Mohammed Bouyeri.

  • Che Guevara or Muhammad who killed more?

    Che Guevara or Muhammad who killed more?

    Crimes against humanity under Communist regimes

  • U.S.-trained commander of special forces Tajikistan he swore allegiance to the organization «Islamic State»

    U.S.-trained commander of special forces Tajikistan he swore allegiance to the organization «Islamic State»

    He Made a video saying “”Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims,” he said. “God for sure willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you.”

    but Obama would love to bring 60,000 Muslims to USA from Syria!

    how many of these 60000 is like Khalimov, with the Muslims we have is not enough to keep our CIA busy and Fbia watching? do we need more?


  • Live in the Trinity TV

    Live in the Trinity TV

    Be with us today live in the Trinity Chanel at 6 PM NY time

    Topic of today Islam & Human rights.