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Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now book review
Watch my video and see my review but from here words we quote; “Today, she argues, the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims...
Christian PrinceJune 3, 2015 -
No one can make Qur’an like Allah?
The Qur’an it self many of is made by Satan as Allah said! but do not worry Allah will take it...
Christian PrinceJune 2, 2015 -
Submission: Part 1 a hero to remember “Theo van Gogh”
Short film (2004) on the mistreatment of women in the Islam. The director, Theo van Gogh, was murdered in Novermber 2004...
Christian PrinceJune 1, 2015 -
Che Guevara or Muhammad who killed more?
Crimes against humanity under Communist regimes
Christian PrinceJune 1, 2015 -
70,000 boy for sex in haven for every Muslim
Who ever said to you “believe on me I will give you women and boys for sex, he is The Satan...
Christian PrinceJune 1, 2015 -
Go buy the Christian women we capture
Watch and learn how filthy this cult is called Islam; Vol. 3-#765 Narrated Kuraib: the freed slave of Ibn ‘Abbas, that...
Christian PrinceMay 30, 2015 -
Equality in Islam Negro Rebellion 500000 black slave in one Islamic city
Many Muslims try to deceive western, or non-Muslims, with false translation or quotation from what they claim is about Equality in...
Christian PrinceMay 30, 2015 -
Jesus’ Superiority Revisited Being a further response to a Muslim Dawagandist Sam Shamoun This is a continuation of our response (*)...
Christian PrinceMay 29, 2015 -
U.S.-trained commander of special forces Tajikistan he swore allegiance to the organization «Islamic State»
He Made a video saying “”Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train...
Christian PrinceMay 29, 2015 -
Muslim live Debate over Israel and Black African
When a Muslim try to speak as if he defend black is he truthful ? first till now Slavery is part...
Christian PrinceMay 28, 2015
Odpowiedź na wywiad “Islam – religia sensacji. Rozmowa z imamem Youssefem Chadidem”
Jest to odpowiedź na wywiad pana Michała Jóźwiaka z...
Aktualny kanał
Kanał na youtube prowadzony przeze mnie: Nowy kanał...
Odpowiedź na artykuł Pani Magdaleny Rzm: “Allah i Bóg” – takijja, abrogacja, wypowiedzi Jana Pawła II o muzułmanach i islamie
Jest to odpowiedź na artykuł pani Magdaleny Rzym: ...
Czy islam jest naprawdę religią miłosierdzia Bożego? Odpowiedź na artykuł Pani Edyty Chadid
Niniejsza publikacja jest odpowiedzią na artykuł pani Edyty Chadid...
Challenge to son of Hamas Mosab PROVE Jesus was born from a virgin Jesus is the Jewish messiah
Lekcja numer 6: Czym jest dżihad?
Bible was corrupt Quran never changed ?
Les secrets du prophète arabe
The Living Jesus vs The Dead Muhammad live debate ON AIR Zakir Niak
Islamic reference