Scientific Claims in the Qur’an Jonathan McLatchie and Christian Prince on the Trinity Channel

By Katie A. Norcross on August 6, 2011
Format: Paperback
The Deception of Allah Volume 1 is one of the books anyone who is researching Islam or wishes to know more about the Koran and its founder Muhammad. It is a scholarly work written in a style that captures the reader and holds him or her to the narrative. Questions are asked and then answered using the Koran, the Hadiths, other Muslim sources and even the Old and New Testaments. Every misconception Muslims tell non-Muslims about their faith is exposed in this tome. Not only exposed but backed with quotes from their own sources. Every lie that Muhammad wrote (Yes he was literate [Another lie Muslims tell.].) is exposed either by other verses he wrote, or by the Bible (when he wrote about Biblical stories and persons.).

The Deception of Allah Volume 1 is a great book by itself, but put it together with a study of the Koran and finally the Koran becomes as clear as a pane of glass.

I have never recommended a book on Monkey in the Middle before, but if you are to read one book about Islam this year The Deception of Allah Volume 1 MUST BE IT!